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Monti Mannu Park

One of the best known and loved areas of Villacidro, the woods in Monti Mannu is often the destination of weekend excursions and trips to the countryside.

The forest of Monti Mannu is called Escolca in the novel Paese d’ombre (Town of Shadows) a hollow that is filled with forests that Angelo Uras tries his very best to safeguard and protect from the indiscriminate cutting down of its trees to produce timber for the foundry working with the material extracted from the nearby mines.

It is currently one of the most famous areas of Villacidro, due to its environmental wealth. The rio Leni river is born among its ravines, and there are also numerous natural springs and woods. Leaving from this area and following along various hiking routes, it is possible to reach some of the most evocative waterfalls of the entire island of Sardinia and admire rare animal and plant species, living days in complete harmony with nature. Along the road for Monti Mannu, the lovely Campus de Monti pine grove appears along the shores of the lake on rio Leni. This area is well equipped for Sunday trips to the countryside.

Further up, the facilities of the ancient mine Canale Serci come to view, immersed in the thick woods that are now the Headquarters for the Forestry Department. Not far from there is the Organisation’s garden centre and the “La locanda del Parco Culturale Giuseppe Dessì” (Giuseppe Dessì Cultural Park Guest House) accommodation facility that was built upon ancient facilities used by woodcutters and coal workers that have been appropriately renovated and modified.

There is no lack of signs of man’s handiwork: work areas for the coal workers, ancient sheep-folds and pens in stone that bear witness to man’s presence and the strong tie between them and the mountain resources.

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