Experience detail

Stone and Clay houses

A maze of narrow cobblestone lanes and age-old stairs connecting them. Many houses were built from local stone (mostly granite) or cling breathlessly to the rocky walls, becoming an integral part of them.

The methods of building of the past are still visible in the town’s urban fabric, especially in the oldest districts.

In the upper portions of the town, the districts of CastangiasSeddanus, the Carmelo area and the ancient via Garibaldi are a maze of narrow cobblestone lanes and age-old stairs connecting them. Many houses were built from local stone (mostly granite) or cling breathlessly to the rocky walls, becoming an integral part of them. Many dwellings were built to lean upon the rocky crags and their courtyards often host imposing masses of granite, overlooking the pine grove surrounding the residential area.
Villacidro is part of the Associazione Nazionale Città della Terra Cruda (National Raw Clay Association), an association that valorises and promotes the culture of constructing homes with ladiri, or raw clay bricks.

Until 1960, Sardinia’s most frequently used and characteristic buildings were the homes built out of blocks of stone and raw clay bricks that were simply left to dry in the sun. These raw bricks are called "ladiri" in Sardinian dialect (deriving from the Latin later: brick building), were made with local clay that became dense and pliant when mixed with water; straw was then added to consolidate this composition and was also used as insulation. The bricks were then shaped by hand and placed in moulds.
The town still features many ancient dwellings built from this raw clay (làdiri). Many can be seen in the lower portion of the town in the rione Sant’Antonio (district), where old peasant houses with ancient portals, courtyards and walls in clay bricks still stand.


Il centro storico di Villacidro è stupendo con le sue viuzze caratteristiche e strette. Da visitare assolutamente.


Centro molto carino, case d’epoca in sassi e mattoni crudi con numerosi portali in legno.


Un paese molto caratteristico, con un'atmosfera molto intima e riservata. Tra le tipiche viette ci si può fermare a respirare l'aria del passato. Vi sono degli scorci mozzafiato.

Author's words

Le mie radici sono a Villacidro, (…) alle falde delle montagne… Sono perciò un sardo dell’interno, (…) Io potrei aver girato il mondo come un mercante di Mille e una Notte, …ma Villacidro è la mia patria. (…) A Villacidro ho trascorso gli anni più belli e più liberi della mia adolescenza…

(Giuseppe Dessì, Nostalgia di Cagliari, in Un pezzo di luna, Edizioni della Torre, Sassari, 1987, pag. 77)


In questo senso sono padrone di San Silvano. Ecco, io esercito su San Silvano un diritto di proprietà solo perché quando ci torno io mi trovo a mio agio come in nessuna altro paese del mondo. Tanto a mio agio che anche il dolore qui si fa più acuto. Sono più perfetto, ecco.

(Giuseppe Dessì, Diari 1931-1948, II, Jouvence, Roma, 1999, pag. 71)
