Experience detail

Authentic flavors

Bread has always been an essential product in its quality as food as well as its ritual significance. It has been baked for centuries in traditional wood ovens is related to recurrences and important moments for the individual as well as for the community such as weddings or Easter.

Bread in Sardinia has always been an essential product in its quality as food as well as its ritual significance. It has been baked for centuries in traditional wood ovens by the skilled hands of the women. Besides being an excellent source of nutrition, bread in Sardinia is related to recurrences and important moments for the individual as well as for the community such as weddings or Easter.

The variety of typical breads is surprising, spanning from breads for everyday use to special breads for holidays. The different areas of the island each have their own variations of these recipes.

Among the most popular varieties of bread in the Villacidro areas, the best known is the civraxiu, a typical bread prepared throughout the Campidano province that is voluminous with a creased, brown crust and a soft, fragrant inside; another popular bread is the coccoi, made from bran that is crunchy and tasty, decorated simply for everyday use or more elaborately for holidays. Other special breads are: su pani cun obia (bread with olives), pani cun gerda (bread with pork rinds), pani cun arrescottu (bread with ricotta cheese), coccoi ‘e Pasca (Easter bread with a hard-boiled egg), pani cun tamatiga (bread with tomato) and many other delicacies.

As far as dessert cuisine is concerned, ingredients used in the local tradition include sapa (reduction of wine must), almonds, fresh cheeses and ricotta, all of which are typical products of the area. The Villacidro Murgia liqueur is often added to the recipes. The well-loved desserts are the amaretto biscuit and the gueffus (made with almonds and sugar); pistoccus and pardulas are eaten at Easter, and the papassinas are prepared with walnuts and raisins, traditionally eaten for All Saints and All Souls Day.


Un paradiso di dolci sardi, pane della tradizione, pasta di grano antico. Su civraxiu super!


Il profumo dei dolci lo puoi sentire molto prima di arrivare. Principalmente dolci di mandorla fatti seguendo le antiche ricette e antiche tradizioni.


Tappa obbligatoria, fondamentale direi se volete mangiare ottime "formaggelle", dolci tradizionali sardi.

Author's words

Ricordo l’odore degli sterpi bruciati nell’aria della mattina. Il tovagliolo lo aveva tessuto la sua trisavola, quand’era giovinetta, forse al tempo degli Aragonesi,…Era da questo mondo oscuro che usciva, come da un forno spento e tiepido, il pane ben lievitato che Proto tagliava appoggiandoselo al petto, con il suo coltello a forma di foglia. Pane fatto in casa dalla giovane nuora, pane di grano duro, che per lavorarlo ci vuole tutta la notte quanto è lunga. 

(Giuseppe Dessì, Paese d’ombre)
