Experience detail

Plants that are centuries and thousands of years old

The San Sisinnio, park, Sardinia’s most unique olive grove: 25 olive trees that are thousands of years old, some of which reach the towering height of 13 metres with trunks that measure a circumference of over 5 metres.

The Linas massif and Villacidro’s countryside is home to the most singular of trees, authentic green giants that have resisted the passage of time over centuries and millennia.

Among the most beautiful examples, we would like to mention the oldest and most majestic Mediterranean strawberry tree of the entire Basin, located in Nuraxi. It has been studied and examined by Italy’s most prestigious universities. There is one tree that is 750 years old. It is no longer just a tree, it has become an authentic patriarch with dimensions that are definitely “over sized” for its species!

Another very fascinating place is the San Sisinnio, park, Sardinia’s most unique olive grove: 25 olive trees that are thousands of years old, some of which reach the towering height of 13 metres with trunks that measure a circumference of over 5 metres.

Two large carob trees peep out of the Villascema hollow, located along the riverbed carrying the same name in the middle of a majestic holly oak grove. The twisted branches of the carob and their bushy foliage offer the ideal spot for a picnic with friends and for the pleasure of children.

There are still more trees to be seen in Monti Mannu a red juniper tree with large branches measuring about 1.50 metres that have been twisted by the wind, a broad-leaved phillyrea tree that silently keeps guard upon the Canale Serci mine as well as many other large, green “friends”.


Per chi ama il canto del vento tra olivastri secolari e il profumo delle erbe. Per me, l'essenza di una terra antica. Emozione senza parole


Chiesa campestre immersa in un bosco straordinario dove troneggiano olivastri che probabilmente superano il millennio. Straordinari!


Bellissimo parco in mezzo al verde e a ulivi centenari. Si respira aria pulita e pace. Ideale come base di partenza per trekking, scampagnate e giri in mtb. Suggestiva la chiesa campestre.
