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The art of pottery is strongly characterized by the genuine simplitown of its shape and among the most popular objects appear everyday tools.

The ancient art of pottery is considered Sardinia’s third great art and its roots are sunk into the island’s most remote history.

The essential characteristic is the essentialness of the models which are almost always commonly used, practical items that can be found in any household such as the sciveddas used to knead dough for bread and zeppole, typical Sardinian fritters and for their leavening. Another use of these items is to soak olives; is marigas, jugs and carafes for water and wine; is piangiadasis ciccarasis prattus or clay roof tiles.

Today, as in the past, the primary material is terra cotta and the tools of the trade are the same as in the by-gone days; the clay is manufactured through the use of various techniques and then kilned and “ceramified” with polish in warm tones like galenic green and yellow.

The local art of pottery is strongly characterised by the genuine simplitown of its shape. Some of the most widely used items are for everyday use such as finely decorated marigas (jugs, carafes), prattus (plates), tassas (glasses), pingiadas (pots and saucepans) and ciccaras (cups) and reproductions of jewellery. Local craftsmen and women as well as amateurs create splendid ceramic and terra cotta items that are elegantly decorated. Their original domestic uses have been lost at times, but they can always be inserted in an aesthetic dimension of home décor.

It is not difficult to come across pieces that have been created by local artisans during holidays and town festivals recall the shapes of the by-gone days.


Vasi, brocche, placche ceramiche, vetri artistici, tessuti, quadri, essenze, arte sarda legata alla tradizione.


Creazioni di pregio artistico legate alla tradizione sarda.


È il posto perfetto per chi vuole il vero artigianato sardo ricercato e fatto a mano. Troverete sia gli oggetti più tradizionali ma anche tazze, bassorilievi, e vasi meravigliosi.
