Itinerary detail

Monte Lisone

This excursion is rather tiring but highly evocative due to the presence of many different kinds of vegetation and a quartz vein of particular geological interest.

The hike begins at Cantina Ferraris, at 345 metres a.s.l. , in the Parco di Monti Mannu: 100 metres from the turning for Cantina Ferraris, you will cross the rio Leni river to get onto an uphill dirt road closed to traffic that leads easily into Piano di Oridda (Oridda Plains) in the Domusnovas area in which you can notice a land that has been touched recently by man who has brought various kinds of pines and cedar trees on the one hand while the other side of the forest holds Mediterranean strawberry trees, heath, juniper and holly oaks.

PGoing further north towards Genna de Muru Mannu, at 793 metres a.s.l., you will reach the quartz peak of Punta Muru Mannu, at 942 metres a.s.l., from which you will admire the gulley of rio Muru Mannu river and some of the highest peaks of the massiccio del Linas P.ta Perda de sa mesa, , at 1236 metres a.s.l.p.ta Sa Cabixedda, at 1202 metres a.s.l., p.ta Cammedda at 1214 metres a.s.l.. Just a little more effort and you will arrive at the evocative peak of Monte Lisone at 1082 metres a.s.l.

Route type:

Travel time:
full day

Duration of the round trip:
6 hours

Difference in height:
737 meters

Degree of difficulty:
hiking (average-difficult)

Geographic map

To be seen

Monti Mannu Park

One of the best known and loved areas of Villacidro, the woods in Monti Mannu is often the destination of weekend excursions and trips to the countryside.