Place detail

Sa Spendula Waterfall

Immersed in the scenery of pink and grey granite rocks among the wild mountains crowning it, this waterfall has received the homage of exceptional travellers and tourists over time such as Gabriele D’Annunzio.

Sa Spendula simply means “the Waterfall”. It never needed another name to define it. It is known throughout the area as the waterfall par excellence, the natural monument that typifies Villacidro the most. It is known all over Sardinia and has always been a destination that anyone arriving in town cannot resist.

Sa Spendula is a majestic drop into the Coxinas stream. Its source is found in the Coxinas plateau at an altitude of approximately 700 metres a.s.l. The river flows down towards the Campidano area along a deep, narrow gorge formed between Mount Omo and Mount Margiani which at a certain point plummets with three drops. Sa Spendula is the third one at about 30 metres.

Immersed in the scenery of pink and grey granite rocks among the wild mountains crowning it, this waterfall has received the homage of exceptional travellers and tourists over time such as Gabriele D’Annunzio. The great poet visited Villacidro in 1882 with Cesare Pascarella and Edoardo Scarfoglio and dedicated a sonnet to this waterfall that further increased the prestige of this natural beauty.

The waterfall can be reached by following a short path that runs alongside the river, leading directly to the drop. When rains are heavy, the water’s impetuosity does not allow for travellers to come very close and offers them a splendid vision that can only be compared to a frothy cloud.

The area is surrounded by a dense pine grove and a well-equipped area that can be reached by crossing the lovely wooden bridge that also leads to the departure point of a short path leading to the top of the falls.

Geographic map

Author's words

La Spendula

Dense di celidonie e di spineti - The rocks densely covered in Swallow wort
le rocce mi si drizzano davanti - and thorn bush stood in front of me like a
come uno strano popolo d’atleti - strange population of athletes turned into
pietrificato per virtù d’incanti. - stone by the power of a spell.

Sotto fremono a ‘l vento ampi i mirteti - Beneath, the wild blueberry bushes tremble to
selvaggi e li oleandri fluttuanti - the vast wind and the oleander wavering green
verde plebe di nani; giù pei greti - common dwarf people; down to the pebble river
van l’acque della Spendula croscianti. - banks goes the water of the Spendula pelt.

Sopra, il ciel  grigio, eguale. A l’umidore - Above, the grey sky, the same. From the
della pioggia un’acredine d’effluvi - dampness of the rain a fierce acidic odour
aspra esalano i timi e le mortelle. - is emited from thyme and myrtle.

Ne la conca verdissima il pastore, - In the oh so green basin the shepherd
come fauno di bronzo, erto su ‘l càlcare - was like bronze fauna, erect on limestone
guarda immobile, avvolto in una pelle. - he stands still, covered in sheep’s fur.

(Gabriele D’Annunzio)


…If I touch the water of “la Spendula”, I know what that water is made of, if I take a pebble, I get an understanding of that pebble down to the molecule, the atom.

(Giuseppe Dessì, Un pezzo di luna)


…They took the road that skirts along the far slopes of Mount Volpe, passes under the "Sa Spendula" waterfall, in that season abundant in water that foams amongst the swallow wort, oleander and the large bramble bushes. The air was filled with the waterfall’s rumble and dusty humidity that, even far away, moistened the leaves on the trees and the hunters’ faces. The road became narrower snaking under a canopy of branches of the enormous oak trees and ancient Holm-oak.

(Giuseppe Dessì, Paese d’ombre)

