Place detail

Park of San Sisinnio

This Park of age-old Olive Trees is a natural spectacle of majestic beauty, one of the jewels in the crown of Villacidro’s natural heritage.

The stunningly beautiful trees surrounding the country chapel make for Sardinia’s most extensive olive grove, some of the trees, which are thousands of years old, reach the towering height of 13 metres with trunks that measure a circumference of over 5 metres.

The extreme and twisted forms of these ancient trunks constitute an evocative, magical backdrop to the legends of San Sisinnio that have been handed down from generation to generation. This saint defends the townspeople and their children from attacks from the wicked witches lurking in the area. To this day, it seems almost as though they are still here, imprisoned in these distorted age-old trunks. These witches are monstrous, terrible,  and caught in the roots of these trees. Their immense and exasperating effort to break free and escape is in vain.

The beautiful and elegant chapel and the silent, deep breaths of the great trees offer an atmosphere that is extraordinarily filled with energy and spirituality, making this place a destination imbued with magic and intimate meditation.

Geographic map

Author's words

…Nessuna pianta è domestica come questi ulivi, che fanno pensare, coi loro tronchi enormi, a pachidermi accosciati. […] Questi …sono precedenti a ogni umana concezione di ordine e simmetria. […] Sono alberi aspri e scabri come queste pietre e dello stesso colore grigiastro, pieni di un vigore lento e possente.

(Giuseppe Dessì, San Silvano)


