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Montegranatico and Archaeological Museum

The ancient “monte del grano”, has hosted the “Villa Leni Civic Archaeological Museum” since 2003. This expositional area displays many original finds arriving from the area’s most important archaeological sites.

During the Savoy reign, every village on the island was endowed with a Montegranatico, which can be translated literally as the “mountain of wheat”. The purpose of these building was to defeat the occurrence of usury practiced by powerful land owners and the clergy upon the poorest of peasants.

A piece of land was selected in each town and was cultivated free of charge by the peasants themselves and by those who owned oxbows. The harvest was gathered in these buildings and lent the following year to the needy at a very low, or even non-existent, interest rate.

In the museum there are exhibits that span from the Pre-Historic era, more specifically the Late Neolithic Period (3500-2700 B.C.), to the Phoenician-Punic and Roman eras (1300-1200 B.C.) and the Early Middle Ages and which come largely from the Villacidro area.

The most diverse objects can be viewed: prehistoric ceramics from the Ozieri Culture, models of nuraghes, treasure chests and bronze buttons from the Nuragic Period, small statues, terracotta etc. narrate the ancient history of these places through a brief, yet unique tour.

+39 070 93442215


The museum, while waiting to define stable times for visits, opens exclusively by telephone reservation, or via e-mail, to be made at the municipality of Villacidro.

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