Place detail

Carmine Church

The small church dedicated to the Virgin Carmelo, built in the XVII century, is immersed in the green of the pine forest that rises above the high part of the town.

It is one of the most impressive destinations in the town of Villacidro, due to the beauty of its panorama that can be admired from its churchyard and the freshness of the air there. The small church comes to life especially in July, a time of celebrations to honor the Virgin. During this period pilgrims meet up at the chapel for prayer and to breath in the fresh breeze that according to legend, never settles through out the entirety of this festive period.

Geographic map

Author's words

…Solo vecchi e bambini portavano al pascolo le pecore e non andavano oltre la striscia delle pinete, oltre la chiesa della Madonna del Carmine. Lassù dove vagava lo sguardo, le montagne erano deserte, e lei lo sapeva e ne provava pena, perché le pareva di essere sola in mezzo a quella desolazione.

(Giuseppe Dessì, I passeri)
