Place detail

Cadoni Mill

The imposing structure of the Cadoni Mill stands adjacent to the Washhouse, and had maintained its ancient function all the way up to the Post World War II years as a more modern mill where wheat was brought to be ground.

The imposing structure of the Cadoni Mill stands adjacent to the Washhouse, and had maintained its ancient function all the way up to the Post World War II years as a more modern mill where wheat was brought to be ground..

It has maintained its elegance and spaciousness to this day: elegant exterior decorations are visible and the interior features a large portal that accesses to the cobblestone courtyard from which a lovely veranda welcomes visitors to the facility divided onto three levels. Its flooring is entirely made out of robust wooden boards and the ceilings are also wooden.

The building has now been renovated and hosts the “Paese d’Ombre (Town of Shadows) Museum” that offers its visitors a voyage into the written works of author Giuseppe Dessì The backdrops and modern technique used for the exhibit as well as the selected readings are very evocative. Dessì was winner of the 1972 Strega Literary Award for his work “Paese d’Ombre”. Passages of this book are also read and along the tour, characters, places, objects and ambiances lead the visitor-reader to the discovery of a literary and human world with a wealth of profound sentiment.

Moreover, the facility also has large areas that are the stage for museum and expositional events as well as for musical and theatrical activities, all of which take place on many occasions both in its interior and inner cobblestone courtyard and loggia.

Geographic map
