San Silvano

The first novel published by Dessì recalls and anticipates the multiple suggestions of his whole work.

The sense of parting associated to the departure from the Island, the emotion of coming back, which is an ever-new discover, finding again places; the will and wish to take back a temporal and sentimental mood that had apparently belonged to others, to the past…these are all the concurring elements creating San Silvano and the world of his characters.

The writer’s glance and fancy focus onto aspects and characters coming back as a regular presence in his later production: the farming world, nature, the rhythms of daily life, the Uras household, Giacomo Scarbo…A confined yet open world at the same time – an early sign of an already structured core of his poetry, which would be developed and deepened in his subsequent works.

Excerpt from San Silvano - (Part two, pp. 103-105 - Edizione Ilisso) (Sentimenti e natura)