La donna sarda

As Dessì loved women profoundly, its work is drenched with feminine figures of great relevance and intensity, a few of them being really unforgettable.

Valentina, Sofia, Margherita, Marietta Serra, Maria Giuseppa in ‘Paese d’ombre’; Elisa in ‘San Silvano’; Susanna and Rita in ‘I Passeri’, Mariangela in ‘Il Disertore’, Alina in ‘Introduzione alla Vita di Giacomo Scarbo’; Severina in ‘Michele Boschino’; Maria Cristina, a mother, in ‘La Scelta’, as well as many other feminine figures, all delicately drawn, sketched, imagined and cherished by the writer.

Driving choices, inspiring change and growth, the women of Dessì’s literary world are tightly attached to their Island, of which they represent the innermost nature. The moral and spiritual heritage of the Island has often been entrusted to women; as the author suggests, it was them that were given the task to create and build. Possessing the gift of creativity and fantasy, they bear inside the deepest sense of the Island of Sardinia.

Excerpt from La donna sarda, in Un pezzo di luna - (pp. 46-48 - Edizioni della Torre) (Le donne sarde)